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Our legal team at Benjamin & Robinson Lawyers share some expert advice and insight into some of the most important legal issues. If you want to stay informed, catch up with our latest blog.

Seeking family law advice in Sydney? We outline your rights and options

Family law is a complex area of law that deals with legal issues related to families and relationships. If you are facing a family law issue in Sydney, seeking advice from a knowledgeable and experienced family lawyer is essential to protect your rights and interests and help you make informed decisions so that you can…

Breaking down commercial leasing in Sydney: A guide for business owners

If you are a business owner in Sydney, you might be looking to lease commercial property for your business. Commercial leasing can be complex and it’s important to have a good understanding of the process and the legal considerations involved. In this guide, we’ll break down commercial leasing in Sydney and provide you with important…

Injured at work? Follow our legal guide to workers compensation in NSW

Workers compensation is a complex area of law and it’s important to seek our professional legal advice to ensure you get the best possible outcome. In this article, we’ll outline key points to keep in mind if you’re considering making a workers compensation claim in NSW. Whether you’re just starting to research your options or…

Are you going through separation or divorce? Here’s how to support your kids and avoid court

Many children feel unsettled, sad, stressed and confused when their parents are going through separation or divorce. Unfortunately, the effects are heightened if your family law matter ends up being litigated in court. How can I help my kids through separation and divorce? There are ways to help your kids cope with the upheaval of…

Injured at work? Follow our quick guide to workers’ compensation in NSW

In Australia, laws have been enacted for injured workers to ensure they receive benefits for replacing a percentage of their wages and paying their medical expenses. When someone experiences a work-related injury or illness, they are not always treated fairly. When complications arise, injured workers sometimes need to hire a lawyer to help.  What is…

Drunk driving concept. Young man driving car under the influence of alcohol.

‘Four Angels Law’ – what you need to know about drink and drug driving offences in NSW

Receiving a drink and/or drug driving conviction these days can result in losing your driver’s licence and your job. This can have a significant impact on your loved ones who rely on your for these important aspects of life. Drivers in NSW who are caught with a combination of illegal drugs and alcohol in their…

The pitfalls of making an online will

While it is tempting to try and save money by creating a will online or buying a will kit from the post office, it comes with risk. If the will is not done properly, it may be found to be invalid. Making a valid will in NSW – what you need to know A will…

Child custody rights for parents in NSW: Get the facts

Separation and divorce can be a tumultuous and stressful time. Whether you’re seeking a divorce lawyer or need advice on separation or child custody matters, it is important you know the facts. Our family law experts at Benjamin & Robinson Lawyers answer some of the most frequently asked questions about child custody rights for parents…

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Wills and estates: what you need to consider

When you want to ensure that the people you love are looked after, you need to make sure the right documents are in place and the correct people are appointed. Our team at Benjamin & Robinson Lawyers specialise in wills and estates with services including the drafting and updating of wills, will disputes, powers of…

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Tips for finding an experienced commercial lawyer in Sydney

Choosing the right lawyer or firm is the first step in achieving your legal goals. If you’re facing a commercial dispute, you may wonder how to find an experienced lawyer to handle your transactions. An experienced commercial lawyer will be able to advise on the best course of action in your situation and assist with any documentation…

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